Jeweler's hand tools and metal

Saw. Solder. File. Polish.

Those four simple words.

Every metalsmith knows them.

They are all processes needed to fabricate a piece of jewelry.

When creating anything there are processes and steps to take.

The same goes for fabricating a web site.
Design. Layout. Code. Publish.

Learning a new skill requires research, trial and error, and lots of confusing information and technicalities. But, there's also the fun stuff like pretty colors and images that make it look beautiful!

As an artist, I love creating beautiful things. I want to dive right in and make it pretty! However, first I need to pay attention to the underlying form and structure or it won't hold up! The same holds true whether you're building a house, a web site, or a ring.

And, then there are the phases it goes through... concept, form, chaos, function... and, finally, a beautiful product.

With some trial and error, a few new skills, and technology in hand I built this web site and put the final polish on it all by myself! It's almost as much fun as fabricating a ring by hand! Almost!

Welcome to my new home!
I hope you love it here!